When it comes to operating the fan on your air conditioning system, the long-running debate of “On” versus “Auto” seems to heat up every summer. Although each setting has its advantages, most experts agree that the Auto setting is preferred for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.
Better humidity control
Your air conditioning system not only keeps your home cool, it reduces humidity levels as well. A typical cooling system includes an outdoor compressor, as well as an evaporator inside. The compressor pulls heat out of your home, while the moisture from that warm air collects in the evaporator. The compressor turns on and off at intervals to allow moisture to drain off the evaporator, reducing humidity levels.
The blower fan is located underneath the evaporator. When the thermostat is set in the On position, the fan continues to operate even when the compressor cycles off. The constant flow of warm, unconditioned air raises the temperature of the evaporator, slowing condensation and recirculating much of that moisture back into your home. In the Auto setting, the fan turns on and off with the compressor, circulating only dry, cool air.
Energy savings
In addition to increasing humidity levels, the continuous operation of the fan in the On setting uses more energy, costing you an extra $15 to $20 a month. Also, the increased humidity forces your air conditioning system to work harder to get rid of that moisture, using more energy and further increasing your summer utility bills.
While the debate continues, the answer is clear: The Auto setting is the best way to minimize cooling costs while ensuring the comfort of your family.
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative offers rebates on new, ENERGY STAR-rated air conditioning units, and several other energy-efficient projects and upgrades for your home or business. Our website has all the rebate offers and how you may qualify www.ppec.coop/rebate-programs. Our energy advisor will be more than happy to help you figure out the most cost-effective, energy-efficient solutions for your home! Gives the co-op a call at 800-686-2357 for more information.