Dr. Ronald Black represents PPEC Board District 9, which includes Sugarcreek, Pleasant, Union, Ottawa, and Riley Townships in Putnam County, Ohio (represents 1,393 active members). See the board district map here.
He grew up and still resides in the Ottawa area, where he worked as a chiropractor for 44 years. He is married to Linda, and they celebrate 52 years of marriage this year. They have two kids and four grandkids.
How do you spend your free time?
I enjoy carpentry. Over the years, I have helped 15 Boy Scouts achieve their Eagle Award. I have spent 32 years helping build Glandorf Park to what it is today, as well as helping to raise over $200,000 for new ball diamond lights for Memorial Park in Ottawa. I also assisted in raising funds and getting materials for the erection of the REX Park in Ottawa.

What is a fun or little-known fact about yourself?
My wife says I am persistent, especially in getting people to work or volunteer. She is surprised that friends don’t run the other way when they see me coming because they know they will get volunteered for something.
Why did you want to become a PPEC trustee?
When I first ran for trustee, my goal was to get more solar and wind turbine involvement within the co-op. After attending the trustees’ classes, I discovered that the involvement of solar and wind turbines in the cooperative world comes with a price to other members who might not be so fortunate to afford the new science. I discovered the cost of a mile of line and the maintenance of such line, and when electricity is not sold on that line due to solar and turbine use, the cost to other members goes up. I learned that there must be a balance between our generation and transmission supplier, the cooperative, and its members. Being a trustee has been a significant learning experience with the goal of fairness and helpfulness to all members.
Why do you think people should be involved in their electric company?
Individuals within the cooperative have a voice as to how they want the company to proceed in the future by voting in a trustee that they trust and one who will represent them. The cooperative was created for the members’ benefit, and they do have an interest in the company both as a member and as a capital credits recipient.
What do you love most about your community?
I love the community in many ways, but the most outstanding is how we all come together to help each other in times of need. When push comes to shove, our volunteerism rate is incredible. We have a wonderful group of volunteer firemen and other individuals who volunteer in the Glandorf Park Garden Club, Lions Club, church groups, Park Fest Time, and many other organizations that contribute to the great town of Glandorf and our county overall.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a cowboy and ride horses. That was during the 1950s, and westerns were the top TV shows. By age 13, I knew I would be a chiropractor just like my dad, but I lost my father to a car accident at that age, so I never had the pleasure or experience of practicing with him or knowing his special techniques.
What’s a motto you live by?
I have several: "Stay active." "Let's get her done." "Don't look at the whole project because it may look unattainable; break it down into sections and accomplish one section at a time. It will all come together."
What future concerns do you have about the electric industry?
Reliable and affordable electric usage.

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