Welcome to the co-op! Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is happy to help you start your electric service and learn what it means to be a co-op member.
- Office phone: 800-686-2357
- Pay-by-phone:855-940-3918
- Address: 401 McDonald Pike Paulding, OH 45879
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Summer Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
PPEC has opportunities for you to get involved, save money, and experience the cooperative difference. Here are some quick links to take you directly to the page:
- Website: ppec.coop
- SmartHub (Account Manager): ppec.coop/smarthub
- Fiber Internet: ppec.coop/fiberupdates
- Ways tppo Pay Your Bill: ppec.coop/payment-options
- Payment Assistance Resources: ppec.coop/bill-payment-assistance
- Outage Information: ppec.coop/outages
- Rebate Programs: ppec.coop/rebate-programs
- Youth Programs: ppec.coop/brightfutures
- Magazine Issues: ppec.coop/local-magazine-archive