Line Supervisor and Lineman Dennis Clark retired today after 34 years of service to Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative. Please enjoy this Q&A with Dennis as we reflected on his career and the memories he’s made along the way with our co-op family.
Tell us about your home and family:
I married my wife, Tammy, 38 years ago in July. We have a son, Kiel, and his wife, Courtney, plus a daughter, Megan, and her husband, Zach, and their son (our grandson) Oliver. I have been with PPEC 34 years, and I will say they have flown by!
What’s your favorite memory working here?
I have a lot of memories of my time with PPEC that make me laugh. Too many to pick just one, but there is one that seems to make everyone else laugh. It involves an open septic tank and a sinking feeling. I can say that I have literally been in deep…
What’s the best and worst part about being a lineman?
The best thing about being a lineman is working outside with my hands and interacting with the members. The worst part is the time away from home, family functions, school events, etc.
What will you miss most?
Paulding Putnam has been a great place to work. I will miss my coworkers and the times we have had together – the good and the bad. I will also miss helping our members and talking with them.
How do you plan on spending time in retirement?
I plan on spending my time with my family and watching my grandson, boating, wood working, hunting, fishing, gardening, carving, traveling, and watching my grandson. Did I mention spending time with family and watching my grandson?
Any final comments?
I am pleased and proud to be a part of the PPEC workforce and family. As I look ahead to this next chapter, I would like to thank PPEC and all of my coworkers and members for 34 great years!
“Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.”
– Author Unknown
The many faces of Dennis Clark
Over the years, Dennis has developed a reputation for silly faces. His sense of humor and ability to make others laugh will be missed immensely. Happy retirement, Dennis!