Dr. John Saxton represents PPEC Board District 6, which includes Auglaize, Brown, Latty, and Washington Townships in Paulding County, Ohio; Defiance and Highland Townships in Defiance County, Ohio (represents 1,075 active members). See the board district map here.
He grew up in Oakwood Ohio, where he still lives today. He's a retired chiropractor, having both owned and operated his own chiropractic center in Oakwood for 45 years. He and his wife, Karen (Giesige) Saxton, have five children: Beth, Brian, Chip, Cory, and Wendy. They have 14 grandkids and five great-grandkids.
How do you spend your free time?
In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, golfing, and serving as a director on several community and state-level boards.
What is a fun or little-known fact about yourself?
I love to laugh and share jokes. I have also held a private pilot’s license since 1978.

Why did you want to become a PPEC trustee?
I wanted to give back to my community and serve the people who have served me for years!
Why do you think people should be involved in their electric company?
People should get involved because they actually own the cooperative. If they become more involved, even in small ways, they can enjoy the full benefits and fulfillment that the cooperative family offers! Most people don't know how many youth programs, rebates, community participation, and savings opportunities there are!
What do you love most about your community?
What I love most about my country is the freedom to do and become whoever and whatever we wish. The only thing stopping us may be us. As for my community, I love the people. I have been all over the country and nowhere have I found people more friendly and helpful!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an air force pilot. I loved the freedom of flight. Just imagine not being tied to the ground!
What’s a saying/motto you live by?
“Treat others as I would like to be treated myself.”
What future concerns do you have about the electric industry?
When I think of the future of the electric industry, I have many concerns. My biggest concern is reliability and availability. If reliability and availability become a problem, it adversely affects price. Green energy is good, but we are being pushed that way too quickly before infrastructure is ready!

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