Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Winter
Stuck inside due to cold weather? Now's the perfect time to reduce your winter energy bills with these simple…
9 Safety Tips for Driving in Winter Weather
Icy, wet roads can make winter driving hazardous. These tips will help you prepare for slick conditions and travel…
PPEC answers the call for mutual aid after Hurricane Helene
PPEC crew helped restore power after Hurricane Helene.
Meet the mascot: Willie Wirehand
Celebrating the long history of electric co-ops mascot, Willie Wiredhand.
5 Ways to Save While You Sleep
With these tips, you can rest easy, knowing you are saving energy and money!
What Makes Energy-Efficient Appliances More Efficient?
Today's high-performance appliances use less energy than older models. Find out what technology advances helped…
Growing Rooftop Solar Scams Prompt Action From Government
Deceptive sales of rooftop solar systems are becoming more common and frequent.
Transforming PPEC's IT infrastructure for a resilient future
The benefits of switching to a cloud-based IT platform.
Harvesting Heritage: The Legacy of Lincoln Ridge Farms
PPEC members operate a vibrant family fun farm.