Don't use Damaged Appliances
Small appliances with frayed cords should not be used for a number of reasons.
Use Caution Around Utility Roadway Work Zones
Driver inattention, carelessness, cause safety hazards for both motorists and workers.
Home Comfort: Allergy Season Checklist
Take control of your indoor environment and breathe easier this allergy season with these simple but effective steps.
Say goodbye to your old electric blanket
If your electric blanket has seen its better days, especially if it’s a decade old or more, it’s time to replace it.
Weather Ready: Winter Storms
Are you prepared for the next winter storm? Take these steps to keep your family safe and comfortable.
What is a peak alert?
If temperatures are extreme and energy use is high, we are most likely having a peak alert.
Report suspicious activity near substations
If you notice anything unusual at a substation, please report it to PPEC.
The record-setting cold temperatures keep most of us indoors and looking for ways to stay warm. Please be aware that…
A Balancing Act: Electricity Supply and Demand
Behind the scenes, a network of people and facilities work together to ensure you have electricity when you flip the…